Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 154 comments and feedback

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David Austin

I am writing to you to voice my displeasure on being considered to be shuffled to another electorial district. 10 years ago were removed from Kingston and Islands and in the interim I have received absolutely 0 emails, mailers or an in person visit from any of the political representatives for the our new electoral district. I live in Kingston, pay taxes, work, and volunteer in Kingston. All of my family lives in this area. All of my interests, networks and social fabric is in Kingston and I have nothing in common with my current district or the one proposed. A quick survey of major urban centres of the new proposed electoral district demonstrate that their strategic plan, mandate and vision statement do not align my or my family's values and expectations for my elected representative. I would like to be realigned with Kingston and the Islands district and totally disagree with being shuffled off for no other reason to satisfy population densities.



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