Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 158 comments and feedback

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Debora Giffin

After receiving your email regarding potential

backlog for verbal presentations I would like

to submit my comments in this letter form which is attached.

May I have receipt acknowledgement.

Thank you .

Debora Giffin

Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary
Federal Electoral Boundaries
Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale,
London, Ontario N6E 3T3

September 17, 2022

Ms. Puddy,

I am a lifelong resident of Greater Madawaska. I strongly object to the new proposed boundaries that would result in our Municipality being moved into the Lanark-Frontenac riding.

From what I understand of press releases, the goal was to create an additional riding within Ontario.

This could be easily achieved in more densely populated areas of Ontario with out upsetting long standing relationships and traditions in a rural County.

Greater Madawaska residents gravitate to Renfrew and Pembroke and have done so for well over a hundred years.

Your information states an ideal population in a federal riding is between 87,440 and 145,740. Currently the riding is at 107,400. Greater Madawaska is home to 2500. This still leaves us well within your ideal population figure.

I also fear that in a few years the Province will declare it now makes sense for Greater Madawaska to be put in the provincial riding of Lanark Frontenac

which will be quickly followed with moving us from the County of Renfrew to Lanark County. Greater Madawaska loyalties are to the larger town centers within Renfrew County, including recreational amenities, retail shopping, commerce, medical care and high school districts, etc.

Many of our GMT residents are without a family doctor and rely heavily on the Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre. Greater Madawaska is supported by three medical doctors practicing from the Calabogie Medical Centre.

These doctors work in tandem with the Pembroke Regional Hospital and the Renfrew Victoria Hospital and were recruited by a Renfrew County team.

What disruption of these services can be expected when you realign our boundary.

In summary, the removal of Greater Madawaska from the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke riding creates havoc and upset with nothing to be gained.

Thank you

Debora Giffin 262 Pheasant Run, Calabogie

Mayoral Candidate Greater Madawaska

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