Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 165 comments and feedback

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Elizabeth Macdonald

The Ontario Federal Redistribution Commission

By e-mail ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca

Dear Commission Members:

I am writing as a resident of Kingston East to express my deep concern about the proposal your Commission is currently considering to include Kingston East in a federal riding with Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville. Let me outline the reasons I strongly urge you not to accept this proposal:

  1. My area, Pittsbugh Township, was amalgamated with the City of Kingston in 1997. Prior to that, the area and its residents were always, by location, naturally, socially, and historically very closely associated with Kingston. Since amalgamation we are now completely integrated as one city.
  2. We residents of Kingston East share little if anything in common with Gananoque, Prescott or Brockville. How could any single elected official represent our needs, interests or resources along side of those other three communities?
  3. With the deadline for local input today, October 29/22 and awareness of this proposal barely hours old across much of Kingston East, there has not been sufficient time to inform and engage East Kingston residents in meaningful discussion and to provide sufficient opportunity for resident feedback and input.
  4. A review of your website indicates that no public meeting was scheduled for Kingston East even though the consequences of this proposal would have a drastic impact on our federal representation.

Again, I strongly disagree with this proposal and I consent to having my full name and comments posted on the Electoral Boundary commission's website.

Thank you for considering my input.


Elizabeth Macdonald

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