Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 198 comments and feedback

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Joseph G. W. Martel

Cheryl Gallant M.P.
604 Justice Building
Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6

Joseph G. W. Martel

Griffith, Ontario KOJ 2R0

Dear Ms. Cheryl Gallant

I find myself compelled to express my opinion concerning the newly proposed change towards electoral boundaries. I believe it is not logical to change the boundaries and names of such for the following reasons.

Because the Renfrew Nipissing Pembroke falls within the acceptable population margins, leave what is not broken alone. With difficult financial burdens placed upon many during these hard financial times, there would be an obvious cost to taxpayers whether this be in taxpayers' dollars and/or the required time to make these changes, and time is money. Simple things of change such as boundary signs, letter heads, ect... would not be in the constituents' best interest.

The needs and concerns of those living in the Greater Madawaska is much different than those living in Lanark primarily due to the geographic differences. As you are aware most of Lanark is comprised of flat farmland while the Greater Madawaska is of lakes and mountains. Thus, both areas have gained two separate histories that should not be forgotten nor compromised.

As per your August 29th letter, residents populating these areas in question would be affected. So again, as these boundaries have indeed been in place for over a century and a half, and it is not posing a problem why be in search of one? This is of course the same opinion that others have shared as well.

With my gratitude...

Joseph G. W. Martel
cc Ms. Paula Puddy

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