Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 227 comments and feedback

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Margaret Breslow

To the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario Hello, I'm writing to register my concern and hope that we here in Kingston, north of the 401, will be included in the 'Kingston and the Islands' riding as opposed to the proposed riding of 'Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott'.

I am a resident of Kingston with no connection to Brockville, Prescott, or even Gananoque.

The property taxes I pay go to the city of Kingston- not Brockville or Prescott.

My social and economic activities are centred in Kingston.

It it ludicrous to me that, as a resident of Kingston, you would expect me to belong to any other riding than that of Kingston and the Islands.

Thank you for your consideration.

Margaret Breslow

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