Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 228 comments and feedback

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Maribeth Madgett

I am writing to express my very significant unease about the proposed redistribution that will result in major changes to the current riding of Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston. My concerns are as follows:

  • What is being proposed would mean that the rural area in which I reside would become part of a riding named Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott. The name itself indicates that this is primarily an urban riding. My strong sense is that the issues of a rural area would not be well represented in such a riding.
  • The current riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston may not be perfect; however, at least it is primarily rural so that one has the perception of some common issues. I have a strong desire to be part of a riding in which there is some indication of commonality and shared interests. I have no connection or relationship with the riding to which it is being proposed this part of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston be attached.
  • The change for this part of the riding seems to be purely mathematical without any regard to ensuring that individuals feel that their concerns will be heard, considered and reflected in decisions which would impact the proposed riding. That is to say, the individuals of this area are to be included in a riding for balancing purposes without regard to the need to serve us well. What is being proposed for this riding is major restructuring.
  • Having lived in South Frontenac for a number of years, I am aware of the frequency with which riding changes are proposed and/or made for this area. This reinforces the resulting impression, as noted above, that we are repeatedly being used as a means of adjusting the numbers. Further it inhibits the strengthening of ties within the riding to increase cohesion.
  • I am concerned that the proposed changes and the associated frequency of changes foster voter apathy. Residents become confused about which riding they are in and, if the proposed changes are implemented, voters may well not bother to care. For this part of the current riding, they may well feel that their vote will be lost or irrelevant among the urban numbers.

I would very much request that you minimize any changes to the current riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston and definitely not combine this part of it with an urban area.

Maribeth Madgett

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