Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 272 comments and feedback

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Ron Leyenhorst
Hope Leyenhorst

I am emailing in response to the proposed boundaries and electoral district changes for the area my wife and I live.

We live north of the 401 and the area we reside was redistributed into a rinding that includes Smith Falls and Perth, requiring us to travel, on average 110km to access our local MP at their constituency office.

We have now heard that our riding will change to Brockville and Prescott, requiring on average 90km.

This is unacceptable.

Our social and economic ties are to Kingston.

We pay property taxes to the City of Kingston.

We share police and fire services with Kingston.

We work and live in Kingston.

We go to church in Kingston.

The average distance to the constituency office would be 10km in Kingston versus 90Km to Brockville.

Please consider allowing us to have an office in Kingston.

We consent to having our full name and comments posted on the electoral boundary commission's website.

Ron Leyenhorst

Hope Leyenhorst

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