Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 139 comments and feedback

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Kevin Bessette
Irene Bessette

Thank you for the zoom link to the public hearing last night. My husband and I did watch the first hour which covered the area of Halton which is where we live. We live at 122 Boxley Road, Burlington, AKA in the area known as Elizabeth Gardens. We would like to register our own concerns about the proposed divide being changed from Burloak to Appleby which would mean we would be included in the Oakville electorial area. We are of the same mind as the other speakers when they say we would essentially become a very small part of an Oakville riding and we worry that, in the event of differing needs for the Oakville or Burlington constituents this could possibly result in the needs of the many being overridden by the needs of the few and therefore we would not feel well represented. Also, there is a very definite identity and affinity that the residents have with living in Elizabeth Gardens and I believe they would not willingly wish to give that up. To reiterate the speaker Emily Brown — we would not like to be a junior partner and equal is not always fair.

Many thanks for your work on this project which is a difficult task but it would seem not insurmountable to ensure equity for all and still have communities preserved. Can you please pass on our comments and opinions to the appropriate parties.


Kevin and Irene Bessette

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