Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 42 comments and feedback

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Susan Cox

I am writing in regard to the plans for the redistribution of electoral boundaries. While it might not make much difference at the federal level, this redistricting will have a huge impact when the provincial level changes to these boundaries.

I am extremely concerned about the proposed plan to split out Georgetown from the rest of Halton Hills- leaving those in the rural areas to be grouped with other cities in Wellington. Guelph is 40 miles from me and I have more in common in terms of communities, services, and governance with North and South Halton than I do with Wellington.

While I understand that you are trying to balance population, leaving the rural area of Halton out of one riding and putting us with Wellington is not a good solution. Breaking up communities is not a good solution and only increases the bureaucracy and red tape people need to navigate when they wish to express their concerns. I need a hospital that is closer to where I live- how do I advocate for that when I am in a different riding? I do not want Hwy 413 impacting Halton and Peel. How much attention will my representative in Wellington- Halton pay to events that are happening in the GTA.

As well, I find your calculations of population estimates lacking. Using Stats Canada to estimate population does not seem adequate. Your website indicates you are estimating population through 2032 but the choices from Stats Canada only go to 2022. How do we get to see those estimates? How do we know if you have used the actual population numbers from the municipalities to estimate growth? We know that in Halton, for example, population estimates are not the actual- the actual numbers are lower. And, we know too that growth mandated by the province is being challenged to stop sprawl and they are requesting additional density in places.

And, lastly, this redistricting seems to have come out of left field and at the last minute. Getting information to the voters has not been effective and now deadlines are upon us with little time to react.

Perhaps that was the intent. Methods of reaching the voters have changed. Newspapers are not everywhere as they used to be. By rushing this through and limiting time for comments and feedback you are further alienating the voters and further encouraging lack of participation in civic matters.

I submit that the redistricting for North Halton needs to be re-considered to leave us with the rest of our community.


Susan Cox

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