Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 36 comments and feedback

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Todd Ladner

Streetsville Business Improvement Association (BIA)
XXXXXX • www.villageofstreetsville.com
280 Queen Street South, Streetsville, Ontario L5M 1M1

Mississauga—Streetsville Electoral Redistribution

Dear Commissioners,

On behalf of the Streetsville Business Improvement Association (SBIA), local stakeholders, and residents, there is great concern that the proposed changes for the redistribution of the Mississauga—Streetsville riding will divide our historic Village into two ridings along with the boundaries of our local BIA. There is also concern that we will lose our historical identity by changing the name Mississauga-Streetsville to Mississauga—Meadowvale.

A Business Improvement Association (BIA) is an association of businesses that covers a specific geographical area established through a by–law passed by the municipal council. The Streetsville BIA was founded in 1979 and represents over 400 small businesses to date.

The Village of Streetsville is unique to Mississauga as it is home to the highest concentration of heritage buildings in Mississauga. There are over 90 listed heritage properties, many of which are designated, and we are also home to the oldest Cenotaph in the City.

Mississauga's Streetsville District (section 4.32 of the Mississauga Plan) was developed around the historic settlement of the Village of Streetsville, located south of Britannia Road West, between the historic Credit River and Mullet Creek. The properties fronting onto Queen Street South between Britannia Road West and Reid Drive, are listed on the City's Heritage Inventory as they form a cultural heritage landscape. These are the natural boundaries of our Village.

Attached you will find a map of the current Streetsville BIA boundaries, Streetsville District Policies (section 4.32 of the Mississauga Plan), the City of Mississauga's Historic Streetsville Design Guidelines, and the 2019–2029 Culture Master Plan. These documents reinforce the significant work that has been done between the Streetsville BIA, community groups, and the City of Mississauga over the past decades to preserve the character and history of the Village of Streetsville, as well as creating an environment where small businesses can thrive and Mississauga—Streetsville residents can enjoy rich local culture.

The Streetsville BIA Board of Management and our community partners understand that every 10 years federal electoral districts are reviewed to reflect changes and movements in Canada's population. But we are asking the Commission not to divide and separate our historic community into two ridings and to keep the Village of Streetsville as outlined on the map on page 4 of the map City of Mississauga's Streetsville Design Guidelines as one whole community. We also ask that given the significant Canadian history Streetsville represents, the Commission keeps the riding name Mississauga—Streetsville.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Todd Ladner, Streetsville BIA Chair

On behalf of:

  • The Streetsville Business Improvement Association
  • MP Rechie Valdez, Mississauga-Streetsville
  • MPP Nina Tangri, Mississauga-Streetsville
  • Councillor George Carlson, Ward 11 City of Mississauga
  • Benjamin Pearce, Streetsville Legion Branch 139
  • Jeff Duggan, Vic Johnston Community Centre
  • ² Sandy Pitts, Streetsville Bread and Honey Founders Festival

Schedule "B" to By–law 36–2021

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission. To view the rest of this comment, please see Cultural Districts Implementation Plan or contact ADMIN-REDECOUPAGE_ADMIN-REDISTRIBUTION@elections.ca.

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