Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 172 comments and feedback

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Doris Coghill Don Coghill

The proposed changes are not acceptable. NW and NE Ontario have different dynamics needs and concerns. The size of this proposed riding would be more then one federal representative could fairly represent. At best the representative would be able to meet with some communities at worst many would see no representation at at all through direct contact…no fault of the newly elected representative.

Our voices as two distinct ridings require fair representation. Population statistics cannot be the only justification for creating such a inhumane and thoughtless direction for our communities and our ridings. The size as we are now already forces our rep to be on the road traveling great distances to fairly represent the riding in parliament. We need the voices to remain as is so we do not become the forgotten poor cousin of the federal government.

The instabilities we are currently facing whether due to Covid, world politics, Canadian dynamics and the economy have for most created a sense of helplessness and anxiety. Your proposed changes would most definitely enhance our ridings vulnerabiliies and add to this mixture of powerlessness most are already dealing with in their daily lives.

You must reconsider this position and withdraw the proposal for the sake of those who live in these unique and diversly different northern communities.

Doris and Don Coghill

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