Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 186 comments and feedback

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Township of Chamberlain

Township of Chamberlain

Resolution of Council

Date: October October 4, 2022

Motion: 2022-152

Whereas the Electoral Boundary Commission has proposed to remove one of the electoral riding from Northern Ontario; and

Whereas the proposal to dimmish Northern Ontario's voice in Parliament will have a detrimental effect on participatory democracy and regional development as the issues in Northern Ontario are significantly different than the issues facing the urban south; and

Whereas the Federal Boundary Commission proposal to cut representation in the north is contrary to the 2017 electoral boundary changes for Ontario that recognized the need to add two seats to ensure fair participation for northern residents; and

Whereas many of the existing riding in Northern Ontario are already large than many European countries a situation that will only be worsened by the addition of massively new regions to service; and

Whereas the proposed new super ridings will force municipalities to compete for a limited amount of riding funding which will further exacerbate inequities in the north; and

Whereas Northern Ontario's population per riding is already much higher than many other rural an isolated regions in Canada's north; and

Where as the courts have ruled that representation in Canadas democracy is not based merely on population but on regions of interest and the fight of citizens to engage with the elected representatives; and

Whereas any changes to electoral boundaries would be based on the principles of maintaining communities of interest within boundaries that are equitable in terms of population and geography.

Now therefore the Township of Chamberlain call on the Electoral Boundary Commission to maintain the electoral representation of Northern Ontario and ensure that any boundary changes are done in a manger that responds to regional and local needs.

Moved by: Seconded by:
  • Stewart, Kerry
  • Guenette, Gerry
  • Schenk, Debra
  • Osborne, Kelly
  • Codd, Charles X
  • Stewart, Kerry
  • Guenette, Gerry X
  • Schenk, Debra
  • Osborne, Kelly
  • Codd, Charles
X Carried

Signature of Presiding Officer: K Stewart

Certified to be a true copy from the Corporation of the Township of Chamberlain passed Council on the 4 day of October 2022

D Thibeault

Dan Thibeault, Clerk Treasurer CAO

Township of Chamberlain

September 1, 2022

RE: Impacts from boundary redistribution in Northern Ontario


I am writing to you with a sense of urgency regarding the proposed plan by the Federal Electoral Boundary Commission. Recently The Commission announced its proposal to cut one of the federal seats in Northern Ontario. The report comes as municipal councils dissolve to prepare for the upcoming electoral races. Any plan to cut the representation of Northern Ontario in the federal Parliament will significantly impact the interests of northern municipalities. I am deeply concerned that this report has been released at a time when municipalities will have very little time to respond adequately.

Every decade the Federal Boundary Commission examines whether or not changes are required to ensure citizens are sufficiently represented in Parliament. In the latest plans for Ontario, the new seats in urban southern Ontario will be offset by the decision to cut one of the seats from Northern Ontario. Many ridings in the north are already larger than European countries. The dramatically redrawn boundary maps will add many new municipalities over much greater distances.

The result will mean more municipalities are forced to compete for limited funding envelopes. For ordinary citizens, accessing their MP offices will be increasingly challenging; this is worrisome as we already know the nightmare over passport delays and immigration services in the north. Both of these vital services are handled by MP offices.

We are not asking for special consideration — only fairness.

Ridings in rural New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Labrador, Saskatchewan and Prince Edwards Island have smaller populations than Northern Ontario ridings, and they do not see their seats cut. In 2017 the Electoral Boundary Commission of Ontario ruled that the north was underrepresented and added two additional seats. How is it fair that the federal boundary commission believes we are over-represented in Parliament? Northern Ontario has a right to be fully represented like other rural and northern parts of Canada.

Time is running short for comments. I have attached a suggested resolution for the Council to pass. Comments on boundary changes should be made to:

Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, ON N6E 3T3


I look forward to hearing from you on this critical issue.


C. Angus

Charlie Angus

Member of Parliament, Timmins-James Bay


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