Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 192 comments and feedback

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Gerry Montpellier

See attached.

Please see the attached letter about my concerns.

Thank you,

Gerry Montpellier

September 20, 2022

Ms. Paula Puddy Commission Secretary Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario PO Box 37018 Southdale London, Ontario N6E 3T3 ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca

To whom it may concern,

Please accept and forward my letter of concern in addition to my request to appear and present in person before the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario at the scheduled Timmins consultation.

I am reaching out on behalf of the residents of Ward 3 who I represent as their elected Councilor for the Greater City of Sudbury. The proposed changes by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario do not offer proper and equal service to residents of Northern Ontario's electoral districts.

We the residents of Northern Ontario do not have the same representation as Southern Ontario. This proposal clearly highlights that there are no plans to make improvements for Northern residents with the reduction of a riding. Considering our vast expanse, our massive tax contributions from natural resources, we need our representation voices not less.

I have heard from many people who live and work in this area as well as business owners that are concerned about the negative impact this will have on each and every one of us. I agree and am convinced; this will mean less effective representation in Ottawa.

We are in municipal election; the timing for this proposed boundary changes could not be worse, there are people who are opting to not seek re-election and there are new people seeking to be elected. Their concentrations are elsewhere, working on their individual campaigns. How can the commission honestly feel that providing a deadline of September 25 is a fair timeline to ensure the people of our area are informed?

Should the responsibility not fall on Elections Canada and the appointed commission to get the word out at a time when all levels of government, organizations residents and the business community are consulted in order to participate and ensuring they have reasonable time to inform themselves?

It is also not reasonable to have the only in person consultation in Timmins. There are so many diverse communities across Northern Ontario as well as a great number of First Nations. How does offering such a short timeline to digest and then offer reasonable feedback happen when people are provided impossible timelines?

The proposed changes will cause division in our area and negatively impact the services that residents of Greater Sudbury greatly rely and depend on. Our communities are still recovering from the shortfalls and inequalities of our forced amalgamation over 20 years ago. We still struggle to get proper representation from the province due to this and to add insult to injury we will also have a hard time getting help from the federal counterparts.

The consequences of having less representation in the north are very real. I am asking the commission to hear our concerns and not change the boundaries. We need our representation, not less. Rural Northern Ontario citizens deserve to be heard, please be fair and ensure this is possible.


Gerry R .Montpellier CPPA, MMS

Concerned Citizen / City of Greater Sudbury Ward 3 Councilor / Northern Ontario Business Owner

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