Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 194 comments and feedback

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Marc G. Serré

Please find attached the presentation of Marc G. Serré, MP for Nickel Belt to the Ontario Electoral Commission on the proposed boundaries which contains the following documents.

  1. Presentation in English and French
  2. PPT Slides
  3. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – Sudbury East
  4. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – City of Greater Sudbury
  5. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – First Nations and Metis
  6. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – Francophones
  7. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – Gogama
  8. Resolutions and letters of arguments, concerns – Northern Ontario
  9. Parliament Report to the House of Commons (February 14, 2013)
  10. 2017 Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission (provincial report)
  11. Media articles

To view the rest of this comment, please contact ADMIN-REDECOUPAGE_ADMIN-REDISTRIBUTION@elections.ca

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