Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 224 comments and feedback

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Mitchell Ross

I am writing today to express my concern and opposition to the reduction of ridings in northern Ontario as is being currently proposed by the Federal Electoral Boundary Commission.

In the early days of the pandemic, small businesses were left scrambling. Economic priority was given to the larger urban centres with a focus on saving jobs.

Smaller businesses, with staff less than 20 people, and smaller revenues, like the majority of small businesses across northern Ontario and other rural areas across the country, were not initially represented in government aid packages, worker benefits and other help that was extended to businesses in larger cities.

I believe that we were overlooked, not because our Federal representatives are not doing their jobs, but rather because we are so spread out. Because northern Ontario is so vast in size, and diverse in communities, I do not believe we are currently at a manageable geographic size for the number of Member's of Parliament that we currently have.

Also, there is some evidence that northern Ontario is now growing, although not at the same rate as the south.

As new mines are developed, and related services increase to support those mines and staff, all of our regions will grow. Yet we will be left with less representation. Our voices, and our unique needs will not be heard.

In 2017, the government of Ontario went in the opposite direction as what the commission is proposing, and added two more much needed MPPs to our communities, bringing our current representation to 12 in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Northern Ontario is at a new juncture. We have the opportunity for significant economic growth. We need more Federal representation. Not less.


Mitchell Ross Small business owner, and life long resident of northern Ontario.

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