Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 230 comments and feedback

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Jamie McGarvey, Mayor, Town of Parry Sound

See attached.

Town of Parry Sound

xx xxxxxx xxxxxx, Parry Sound, Ontario xxx xxx

Tel: (xxx) xxx-xxxx Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx www.parrysound.ca

November 7, 2022

Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution – Ontario Commission

PO Box 7018 Southdale

London, ON N6E 3T3

E-mail: ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca

To Whom It May Concern,

The Town of Parry Sound would like to add its voice to the concerns regarding the proposal to reduce the number of Electoral Districts in Northern Ontario from ten to eight.

Please find attached Resolution 2022-128 which identifies specific concerns including the vast geographic area already designated for northern electoral districts, and the division of First Nations, Francophone and Municipal Associations by new boundaries.

While the Town acknowledges the addition of a public hearing to be held in Thunder Bay tomorrow, we still believe that the consultation period should be extended to January, 2023. In addition to some of the northern consultations coinciding with hunting season, many Councils have been in a period of lame duck during the consultation period, potentially reducing their ability to provide a response.

Thank you for your anticipated attention to this important issue.

Jamie McGarvey

Mayor Jamie McGarvey Town of Parry Sound





MP Scott Aitchison

The Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound Resolution in Council

No. 2022-128

Moved by: Paul Borneman

Seconded by: Roger Burden

Division list September 20, 2022
Division list Yes No Date:
Councillor V. Backman
Councillor P. Borneman
Councillor R. Burden
Councillor B. Horne
Councillor B. Keith
Councillor D. McCann
Mayor J. McGarvey

Carried: X Defeated: Postponed to:

Whereas the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 - Ontario Commission recommends reducing Northern Ontario Electoral Districts from ten to eight; and

Whereas geographically Northern Ontario is quite large making it challenging for MPs to fairly represent their constituents; and

Whereas the proposed new alignments will make MPs efforts at representing their constituents even more difficult; and

Whereas the proposed new alignments will divide established First Nations, Francophone and Municipal Associations;

Now Therefore Council of the Town Parry Sound supports the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM)'s letter of September 5, 2022 which calls upon the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution —Ontario Commission to retain the current ten Electoral Districts in Northern Ontario as they currently exist, and

That the Town requests that the consultation in Northern Ontario be extended to January 2023, and

That this resolution be forwarded to the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 - Ontario Commission, FONOM, and Parry Sound-Muskoka MP Scott Aitchison.

Jamie McGarvey

Mayor Jamie McGarvey

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