Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Gail Jaremy, CAO/Clerk of the Township of Hornepayne

RE: Federal Electoral Districts

Dear Hon. Prime Minister:

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hornepayne, the Geographic Centre of Ontario, located in the North Algoma District is very concerned about the suggested reduction and redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts. The North is already at a disadvantage when it comes to having a voice and this will only exacerbate the issue and create more barriers to development.

We join the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association and countless other Northern Ontario communities, including but not limited to:

  • Shuniah, Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Sioux Lookout, Fort Frances, Red Lake, Dryden, Pickle Lake, Marathon, Chapple, Terrace Bay, Dorion, Ignace, Nipigon, Greenstone, Red Rock, Schreiber, White River, Red Lake, O'Connor, Morley, and Emo

in strongly opposing this dangerous move.

Please find the attached Resolution No. 2022-280 imploring the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission to withdraw the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario and further imploring the Federal Government to introduce legislation that would provide for a minimum number of guaranteed Districts for Northern Ontario to protect the North and to ensure that the voices of Northern and Rural Communities are heard.

Your consideration of this resolution is imperative.


Gail Jaremy CAO/Clerk Township of Hornepayne

c.c.: Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission Association of Municipalities of Ontario Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association Northeast Superior Regional Mayors' Group Carol Hughes, MP Algoma-Kapuskasing-Manitoulin

Council resolution

Moved by:
Drago Stefanic
Seconded by:
Belinda Kistemaker
September 20, 2022

Whereas the Electoral Boundaries Commission has proposed the elimination of one of the Electoral Districts in Northern Ontario and a redistribution of the remaining Electoral Districts; and,

Whereas the proposal to diminish Northern Ontario's voice in Parliament would erode the ability to effectively represent diverse, small and rural communities; and,

Whereas the reduction will have a detrimental effect on participatory democracy and regional development as the issues in Northern Ontario are significantly different than the issues facings the urban south; and,

Whereas there is potential for the Province of Ontario to adopt the Federal Electoral Boundaries to establish Provincial Electoral Boundaries, which would repeat the negative effects on Provincial representation for the people and communities of Northern Ontario; and,

Whereas the Federal Boundaries Commission proposal to cut representation in the north is contrary to the 2017 Electoral Boundary changes for Ontario that recognized the need to add two seats to ensure fair participation for northern residents; and,

Whereas many of the existing Districts in Northern Ontario are already larger than many European countries, a situation that will only be worsened by the addition of massively new regions to service; and,

Whereas the proposed new super Districts will force municipalities to compete for a limited amount of riding funding which will further exacerbate inequities in the north; and,

Whereas the courts have ruled that representation in Canada's democracy is not based merely on population but on regions of interest and the right of citizens to engage with their elected representatives; and,

Whereas any changes to Electoral Boundaries should be based on the principles of maintaining communities of interest within boundaries that are equitable in terms of population and geography;

Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hornepayne calls on the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission to withdraw the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario;

Be it further resolved that the Township of Hornepayne petition the Federal Government to introduce legislation that would provide for a minimum number of guaranteed Districts for Northern Ontario to protect the North and to ensure that the voices of Northern and Rural Communities are heard;

Be it finally resolved a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM), the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), the North Superior Regional Mayors' Group (NSRMG), and Carol Huges, M.P. Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing.


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