Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 76 comments and feedback

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Corey Caple

I am NOT HAPPY! You guys are planning to change riding's most notable in Northern Ontario...This I find is complete Bullshit! If you are going to adjust riding's in Northern Ontario, then you are ALSO going to INCREASE riding's sizes in Southern Ontario, because by voter turnout at 161,000 per riding is not working there TOO! Therefore changes alone based on people per area must include % of voter turn out AND geography time of travel in order to make IT FAIR!

I consider riding management to be a Charter Right,...Freedom of Speech and those that Represent it! By constantly watering down the MP Seats available to people LIVING AND WORKING in RURAL AREAS, Elections Canada is infringing on Charter Rights of the person and people, in Freedom of Moment, Freedom of Speech, Right to Vote and what that vote means. Including Polling Stations, Advance Polls, Local Elections Canada Offices and more.

Since you are reviewing Northern, you must also review an increase Southern-Populated areas. PEI has 4 riding's for less than 90,000 people....SSM has 1 riding for 90,000+ and covers the almost same area, therefore PEI loses 3 seats.

Cut the crap and start making responsible and reasonable decisions. By continuing to punish Rural and Northern Voters, Elections Canada continues to help divide the country, issues, with BULLSHIT answers to Election Riding's.

Populated areas have better and more roads, and options for transportation, transportation speed and cadences. NONE of this is factored into the formulation! Double standard that continues to favour LIBS and PC...

I further note, the commission is made up of people who are from Southern Ontario...on the face of it, there is Conflict of Interest issues! I am beyond confused! Further to THAT, there is NO INDIAN-FIRST NATION-METIS-NATIVE representation on this board!

I am BEYOND UPSET at the NONE STOP garbage used by Elections Canada, when time to travel, locations of offices, voter turnout %, speed of transportation and number of options of transportation are NOT USED when factoring in...size of riding...But we all know the true reason...it is EASIER to pick on a bunch of rural people than to make the people in Toronto angry...feel free to cut the Bullshit when responding to the public in Northern and Rural areas...not stupid.

I am seriously thinking a Judicial Review and Charter Right Challenge be made if this Council continues to have voter suppression-representation.

I am Native and a Military Veteran...and I am BEYOND UPSET.

Starting thinking...if you need help with thinking...feel free to ask...me. I can fore-sure help you fix riding sizes that makes it fair FOR EVERYONE!

This Whole thing needs to be rethought out...because clearly...it has TOO many errors!


Mr. Corey Caple

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