Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 82 comments and feedback

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Wendy Landry, President, NOMA Mayor, Municipality of Shuniah

Please see the attached letter in regard to the Federal Electoral Boundaries sent on behalf of President Wendy Landry, NOMA.

To Whom It May Concern,

The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) is the unified voice of Northwestern Ontario, representing 37 municipalities. Our mission is to advance the needs of municipal governments whose services contribute greatly to the community well-being in Northwestern Ontario. We promote activities and support partnerships that contribute to our vibrant and vital region.

As President of NOMA, I want to commend the Commission for adding Indigenous Representation to the Redistribution Plan for Northern Ontario. However, I must share my concerns regarding the Redistribution plan's negative impacts on Northern Ontario. Currently, Northern Ontario has ten Electoral Districts, with the proposed plan reducing that number to eight. NOMA asks that the Commission retain the current ten Electoral Districts, plus the planned Indigenous Representation.

Geographically Northern Ontario is quite large. The distance from North Bay to the Manitoba border is 1623 kilometres (the distance from Kenora, ON to Banff, AB is 1675 Kilometres). Your research shows the existing ridings are large already. Currently, the Members have a difficult job fairly representing their constituents. The MPs do an admirable job and represent Canada well. The MPs have also voiced their concerns regarding the proposed changes. We believe the new alignments will make their efforts more difficult and the North will not be adequately represented.

We are concerned that the consultation for Northern Ontario is coinciding with a Municipal Election. We believe many individuals will find it difficult to take the time away from campaigning to drive to Sioux Lookout or Kenora to attend the session in person. The virtual Northern Ontario session is also happening in the middle of the Hunting Season. The timing of the Commission's consultation highlights a further lack of understanding for our part of Ontario. NOMA recommends you increase and extend the consultation in Northern Ontario until January 2023.

Thank you for your time in this matter.


Wendy Landry, President, NOMA Mayor, Municipality of Shuniah

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