Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 91 comments and feedback

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Council of the Township of Machar

We're in receipt of information regarding Federal Electoral Redistribution and the negative impact it will have on the strength of the Northern Voice in Ottawa. The Township of Machar supports the concerns raised. Please see Resolution attached passed by Council. Thank you for your consideration.

Township of Machar

Resolution Number: 132

Moved by: Ron McLaren Seconded by: Neil Scarlett

September 12, 2022

That we support the Township of Coleman and FONOM (Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities) to petition the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission to withdraw the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario, and not to reduce the number of MPs for Northern Ontario, and

Further that the Federal Government introduce legislation that would provide for a minimum number of guaranteed Ridings for Northern Ontario to ensure the voices of Northern and Rural communities is not stifled.


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