Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 12 comments and feedback

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Pat Lacasse


With the addition of Blackburn Hamlet, this change would continue a trend of this riding extending eastward. Geographically, the ward encompasses parts of the former cities of Ottawa, Gloucester, Vanier, and the village of Rockcliffe Park. Physically, the largest portion NOT part of the former City of Ottawa, belongs to Gloucester.

Alternately, if you wanted to be more "neutral," you could simply rename the riding "Ottawa East," which is more generic, and goes with the trend of Ottawa Centre, and Ottawa South. You should also, BTW, rename Ottawa West-Nepean simply "Ottawa West," as Nepean gets its own riding, as does the former City of Kanata. In the current naming, the former City of Gloucester, which was the third largest in the former Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, has been effectively wiped off the map.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Public Submissions:

Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal:

Submission Date:
August 27, 2022
Pat Lacasse
Suggested Name English:
Ottawa—Gloucester OR Ottawa East
Suggested Name French:
Ottawa—Gloucester OU Ottawa-Est

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