Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 21 comments and feedback

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Kari Toomey

I have put a blue dot where we are located . Currently we are in the Kanata Carleton riding.

The possible redistribution would put us in the riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. Since we are inside the boundaries of Ottawa, it is very upsetting the we will be voting for someone, who most likely will come from the an area closer to Kingston. (Or if the person who is elected happens to come from our area, the people from Kingston, will not be too happy) Why have they moved this western line of our riding, as well as the northern part of our riding. They will be in the riding of Algonquin Renfrew Nippissing.

We were amalgamated with Ottawa about 20 years ago, and now we are kicked out from the federal voting point of view?

If you are going to do redistribution of the voters in the Ottawa area, at least the redistribution should have all of Ottawa in the Ottawa ridings.

I have spoken to many of our neighbours as well, and they are not too happy about it, either

Kari Toomey

User's location - Kanata Carleton riding

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