Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 45 comments and feedback

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Paul Reid

My name is Paul Reid and have been a resident of the West Carleton area for the past 52 years. I have lived in the Carp, Ontario area for 25 years, and now I live in Kanata, Ontario, for the past 27 years.

My riding is the Kanata-Carleton riding. I have information that this federal government is deciding to change the riding name, and also to changing some of the boundaries in the Kanata-Carleton riding.

I would like to state, that I'm completely opposed to any changes to the riding name of Kanata-Carleton, and changes to any of the boundaries in the riding of Kanata-Carleton.

I see no reason at this time to make any changes in this riding, for a number of reasons. First of all, the riding name was just change in 2013 to the Kanata-Carleton riding. Since that time, of the name change and boundaries, the people are now very familiar with the riding name and boundaries. I have not read any news reports where anyone in this riding, has requested or protested that there be changes to the name or the boundaries in the Kanata-Carleton riding.

To change the name and boundaries at this time, I feel it would cause much confusion amongst the residents. In fact, many people may not even vote in the next election if there are these changes, because people are much too busy these days, to read about any new changes. The people are now familiar with the polling stations, because the polling stations are usually kept in the same areas for each election whether its federal or provincial.

Other problems with the name and boundary changes would result in large expenses to the taxpayers, at this time we don't need any more expenses to the taxpayers.

Other problems with a name and boundary change would be more unnecessary expenses in changing things like signage, office supplies, and maybe any advertising material that now has the name of Kanata-Carleton on it. All of these items would then go to the garbage dump. We need to cut down on expenses, because as you know, any elections are very costly to the taxpayers.

In summary. Thank you, for reading about my concerns in regard to not changing the name, and boundaries, of the Kanata-Carleton riding. This would save many taxpayers dollars. Remember the old phrase "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Let the majority of the people in the riding decide if they want any changes to the name and boundaries.


Paul Reid

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