Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 49 comments and feedback

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Mary Tarraf

I am a resident of Blackburn Hamlet reaching out regarding the Federal Electoral District Redistribution, as the following link was shared with us: https://redecoupage-redistribution-2022.ca/com/on/med/aug1922_e.aspx.

My family and I are concerned as Blackburn Hamlet has been a part of the Orleans district for as long as we can remember and this means it would now be a part of the Vanier district. As I understand, this is being proposed as there is an extra district in Ontario and this is to address voter equality issues due to population change. However, we are genuinely concerned about having to adapt to this kind of change if it did happen, and we hope that things will remain the same. We hope you will take this into consideration.

Thank you,

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