Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 62 comments and feedback

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Mohamed Islam

See attached.

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
Email: ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca

Dear Commission, I live in the South Keys community in Ottawa South, near Bank Street and Hunt Club. Many of my friends and neighbours live in the Findlay Creek community beside us to the south on Bank Street.

Findlay Creek is currently under the riding of Carleton. This is unfair for my friends and neighbours. They live right beside us, but are forced to go further for government services from their Member of Parliament with a large rural riding far away from them.

additionally, many members of our Muslim community in Findlay Creek go to Masjid ar-Rahmah in Ottawa South, close to my home.

For the fairness of our entire community, I am advocating for the following proposal for Findlay Creek to be included in the Ottawa South riding.

We live, work and pray in the Ottawa South community and want to be united as one.

Thank you,

Mohamed Islam

Recommended changes to Commission's Proposal – Ottawa South

a) Add +14,171

b) Substract -12,282

Net addition of population: +1,889

NEW proposed population: 126,964 (+8.9% 2022 Quota)

Rationale for population difference: No significant change in the Proposal's population for Ottawa South. This submission contemplates recommended changes to Ottawa Centre and Ottawa West–Nepean to balance out the populations of these ridings.

Recommended changes to Commission's Proposal – Ottawa Centre

c) Add +12,282

d) Substract -4,062

Net addition of population: +9,662

NEW proposed population: 127,170 (+9.1% 2022 Quota)

Recommended changes to Commission's Proposal – Ottawa West–Nepean

e) Add +4,062

Net addition of population: +4,062

NEW proposed population: 127,595 (+9.4% 2022 Quota)

a) Add to Ottawa South

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in red on map) Leitrim Road east to Albion Road

Albion Road south to Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary east to Hawthorne Road Hawthorne Road north to Hunt Club Road.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 14,171 Source: ridingbuilder, election-atlas.ca

b/c) Substract from Ottawa South

Rationale: To balance the addition of electors from Findlay Creek, the following changes are recommended to Add to the riding of Ottawa Centre. In the interests of fairness of representation, this addition to Ottawa Centre balances the populations of both Ottawa South and Ottawa Centre to the equivalent of approximately 7% deviation from the 2022 Quota.

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in red on map)

Rideau river at Walkley Road

Walkley Road east to VIA Rail train track

VIA Rail train track north to Riverside Drive

Riverside Drive north to Highway 417.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 12,282
Source: ridingbuilder, election-atlas.ca

d/e) Transfer from Ottawa Centre to Ottawa West–Nepean

Rationale: To balance the addition of electors to Ottawa Centre, it is recommended that part of Ottawa Centre be returned to the current boundaries of Ottawa West–Nepean.

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in red on map)

Carling Avenue east to Sherbourne Road

Sherbourne Road north to Richmond Road

Track north to Ottawa River.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 4,062
Source: ridingbuilder, election-atlas.ca

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