Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 70 comments and feedback

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George Darouze

Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Ward 20, Ottawa

Please see my feedback attached.

Ward Office, Metcalfe, ON

City Hall Office, Ottawa, ON

Osgoode Ward Councillor, Deputy Mayor

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario, N6E 3T3

Sent via email ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca

Dear Commissioners,

I write with two critical changes to your Commission's Proposal for the federal riding of Carleton that affect the municipal Ward that I represent within the rural boundaries of the City of Ottawa.

First, the eastern boundary of the federal riding of Carleton should be maintained at the current boundary, Boundary Road. This follows the City of Ottawa eastern municipal boundary and allows for coordination of services between the federal and municipal representative. Residents in my Ward from the community of Kenmore, for example, are neighbouring communities with Metcalfe and deserve to be represented by the same Federal Member of Parliament within the City of Ottawa. Maintaining this current boundary for the federal riding of Carleton is an insignificant population difference that does not affect the Quota for the proposed riding of Prescott-Russell. I advocate for the proposal below to maintain the current riding boundary along Boundary Road.

Second, the highly suburban community of Findlay Creek, which was removed from my ward following the completion of the Ottawa Ward Boundary Review 2020. Part of this fast-growing community was included in my previous ward. The City of Ottawa rightly concluded that the community of Findlay Creek and its considerable population growth belonged in a suburban ward as it is not connected to the rural communities in Ward 20 Osgoode. On this principle, I am advocating for the proposal below to add Findlay Creek to the federal riding of Ottawa South.

Finally, the significant subtraction of population from removing Findlay Creek from the riding of Carleton can be

balanced by uniting rural communities in West Carleton with their communities of interest in the riding of Carleton. Your Commission's Proposal to split up City of Ottawa rural municipal boundaries in West Carleton with two large Eastern Ontario ridings is nonsensical and would only result in confusion of constituency services for City of Ottawa rural residents.

Thank you for your consideration of these changes to your Proposal on behalf of residents that I represent in my Ward.


Councillor George Darouze

Recommended Changes to Federal Riding of Carleton

1. Add Boundary Road: maintain current boundary

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in blue on map)

417 east to Boundary Road

Boundary Road south to Marionville Road

Marionville Road west to proposed boundary

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 1,978
Source: ridingbuilder, election-atlas.ca

2. Substract Findlay Creek: transfer to Ottawa South

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in red on map)
Leitrim Road east to Albion Road

Albion Road south to Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary
Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary east to Hawthorne Road
Hawthorne Road north to Hunt Club Road.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 14,171
Source: ridingbuilder, election-atlas.ca

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