Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 21 comments and feedback

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Peter Zinck

Please find attached a map of a recommendation for a change to the proposed federal electoral boundaries in Kitchener. The two districts affected are the proposed districts of Kitchener Center and Kitchener-North Dumfries. The rationale for this recommendation follows:

  1. The small area I recommend be reallocated to Kitchener Centre is similar in nature to Kitchener Centre where much of the district in that area is residential. The new proposed Kitchener North Dumfries district does contain residential areas but is more aligned with township communities, industrial and a significant agricultural based land uses.

    The existing boundaries already separate a community with like interests and services, and the proposed boundaries make that separation worse by using what appears to be arbitrary boundaries to align population numbers to districts.

  2. The impacts of airport operations are primarily felt adjacent to the main runway, number 8. Flights operate directly over the new proposed boundary line between Kitchener Centre and Kitchener North Dumfries. With the federal government having authority over airports, it would be best for communications between residents and the federal government to be encompassed in one district where possible.
  3. The recommended realignment better aligns federal districts with municipal city boundaries. Specifically the City of Kitchener ward boundaries for wards 2 and 3.
  4. The recommended boundary adopts a previously district boundary line following Highway 8 and the Grand River. Please note the attached map does not clearly show the recommended boundary along the Grand River.
  5. While the balanced population numbers of each district would change slightly, I feel the change would not be significant with an estimated 5000 residents being added to the Kitchener Centre district and the Kitchener North Dumfries population being reduced by the same. This size of change is not likely to overburden resources Kitchener Centre

Thanks for your time.

Peter Zinck

Figure 1:

The proposed ridings of Waterloo, Kitchener Centre, Kitchener-Conestoga, Kitchener South – North Dumfries

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