Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

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Melinda Evans

As a lifelong resident of Tillsonburg and Oxford County I am not in agreement with the electoral boundary changes for Tillsonburg. Even though this is a federal change I feel in time it will also affect us provincially in the future. Currently as a member of Oxford County Council Tillsonburg has good relations within the county sharing similar ideas and future goals for the county of Oxford. In short we work well together, and the continuation of the relationship is beneficial to both Tillsonburg and the County of Oxford.

I am concerned in the future how this would affect us with certain funding both federally and provincially. This I believe is only the first step of many changes, that will follow.

According to the media there has been a lot of distension within Norfolk county and I feel it would be a detriment for Tillsonburg to be grouped in with Norfolk county. We are a Progressive small community whereas Norfolk is more rural and agricultural, nothing wrong with that, but future goals may vary.

The counties it appears have different long-term goals as far as future development, industry, responsible county spending and maintenance of amenities.

Tillsonburg and Oxford county share many services such as Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital and Ingersoll Alexandria hospital they have consolidated some departments and are managed under the same teams, working together in the same County to benefit both communities. Many other services such as EMS, Library services, garbage collection and many other services in tourism, social services, non profit organizations, industry and transportation have similar links. Tillsonburg remains closer in distance to Ingersoll and Woodstock, than Simcoe which would be the largest community link in Norfolk. It has taken years to develop this supportive working relationship, it would be very unfair for the Federal government to change this county relationship and all the benefits to both Tillsonburg and Oxford county that have been formed over decades. Like-minded development and ideas has brought us to the successful small community we are today and being a part of Oxford county council has also helped us to achieve that.

Tillsonburg and Oxford County have many years of working together to make the success of our county and to take Tillsonburg out of Oxford county after these many years of working together would be detrimental to Tillsonburg. Tillsonburg for its' future success I feel needs to remain a part of Oxford County. Don't destroy our community for federal votes.

Melinda Evans

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