Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 57 comments and feedback

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Rick Hutfloetz

Dear members of the Ontario Commission,

I live in Kitchener's Forest Heights Neighbourhood and feel that I need to provide input for your consideration.

Thank-you for the work that has gone into this proposal, here are some important considerations and counter proposals I feel will further represent community interests in the region.

I have read your proposal with respect to realignment of the riding boundaries for Waterloo, Kitchener-Centre, Kitchener- South Hespeler and Kitchener-Conestoga.

The area of Kitchener, known as Rosenberg should remain as part of Kitchener-Conestoga. As a resident of neighbouring Forest Heights, we have a strong connection with the folks living in Rosenberg. Children of Residents living there, attend Forest Heights Secondary school residents of Rosenberg regularly use the Community centre facility at Williamsburg.

Your proposal also will result in splitting off the residents of the northern portion of Hespeler from Cambridge. Hespeler has a stronger connection to Cambridge as has been the case for many years, even prior to the amalgamation of Hespeler, Preston and Galt to form the city of Cambridge.

With respect to Kitchener, I propose that the area of Kitchener, known as Forest Hills become part of Kitchener-Conestoga. As a resident of Forest Heights, Forest Hills is our neighbour and we both form a distinct community. Residents of Forest Hills send their children to schools located in Forest Heights. We share a community centre, library, public pool and places of worship. These two neighbourhoods used to be in the same riding but were separated at your last review. This needs to be changed back.

I propose that the area bounded by Westmount Road to Highland to Fisher-Hallman road to the Conestoga Parkway to the west, be moved to Kitchener-Conestoga.

The changes I have proposed are done with the following values in mind;

  • taking into consideration the population and number of eligible voters. - respecting the community connections and unique identity.
  • unifying the communities in the area of schools, community groups Hospitals as well as taking into consideration a broader Regional approach. Especially when it comes to keeping the residents of

Cambridge united within their city.

I sincerely hope that you take into consideration what I have proposed.


Rick Hutfloetz

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