Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 13 comments and feedback

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Judy Robson

On Sept. 17th, I spent a considerable amount of time filing out the Public Hearing Notice Form online at redistribution2022.ca which included using the interactive mapping Tool. When I attempted to submit it, submission was not accepted and I was unable to discover the reason.

I am submitting my view on the issue concerning the boundaries for the Windsor-Tecumseh Riding. I feel when forming the boundaries more emphasis should be put on the area's geographical dynamics, interest and identity. This is my submission in writing without the map.

District Name: Windsor-Tecumseh

New District Name: Essex Central

In Essex County two common denominators should be considered in the selection of electoral boundaries in order to establish true representation:

  1. rural vs urban needs
  2. the needs of Communities located on water bodies vs communities located in the interior of Essex County.

The rural and farming community is located in the interior of Essex County, while the primary urban communities are located on the Great Lakes water system. The concerns of the people living in the interior of Essex County center around the farming industry and the balanced growth of primary settlement areas while the urban communities along the water are concerned with flooding issues and industrial growth. Perspective and needs differ.

Therefore, I have proposed dividing Essex County (not including Chatham-Kent) into three electoral sections. 1) South Essex 2) North Essex and 3) Central Essex.

In the past, due to lower density, the rural population's voice is muted over the louder urban input, occurring in all three levels of government; Municipal, Provincial and Federal.

I hope the Commission will consider this written submission. Is it possible to observe the public hearing on zoom?


Judy Robson

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