Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Comment 80 comments and feedback

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Gene Kelly

  1. You will need a new name for the riding as the proposed change picks up a large portion of Elgin County. And yes, you can leave the name as is but that will create confusion as to what area the riding boundary actually includes and will likely create some disgruntlement among Elginites at their area not being included in the name.
  2. The very fact you would have a name of: Lambton-Kent-Elgin-Middlesex points out that this boundary change is sub-optimal in many respects. Surely there is a better boundary that does not involve using portions of 4 counties.
  3. If the goal is to have each area approx equal in population then expanding the riding to pick up greater areas of Lambton, Kent and Middlesex would seem to make more sense since much of the Elgin area added is rural as well.
  4. A suggestion with red lines showing the suggestion in 3 above is attached. Note that Port Stanley would appear to be the largest community in the Elgin add-on area and this could be offset somewhat by picking up Blenheim.

Just some thoughts.

Kind regards,

Gene Kelly

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

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