Cochrane—Timmins—Timiskaming – Proposal – Ontario
- (Population: 107,092)
- (Map 1)
Consists of:
- the cities of Temiskaming Shores and Timmins;
- the towns of Cobalt, Cochrane, Englehart, Hearst, Iroquois Falls, Kapuskasing, Kirkland Lake, Latchford and Smooth Rock Falls;
- the Municipality of Charlton and Dack;
- the townships of Armstrong, Black River-Matheson, Brethour, Casey, Chamberlain, Coleman, Evanturel, Fauquier-Strickland, Gauthier, Harley, Harris, Hilliard, Hornepayne, Hudson, James, Kerns, Larder Lake, Matachewan, Mattice-Val Côté, McGarry, Moonbeam, Opasatika and Val Rita-Harty;
- the Village of Thornloe;
- the unorganized areas of Cochrane (South East Part), Cochrane (South West Part), Timiskaming (East Part) and Timiskaming (West Part);
- that part of the Unorganized Area of Algoma (North Part) lying northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point on the westerly limit of said unorganized area at approximate latitude 49°00'05"N and longitude 85°19'59"W; thence easterly in a straight line to the easterly limit of said unorganized area;
- that part of the Unorganized Area of Cochrane (North Part) lying southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point on the westerly limit of said unorganized area at approximate latitude 50°30'02"N and longitude 86°32'55"W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point on the easterly limit of said unorganized area at approximate latitude 50°30'00"N and longitude 79°31'05"W;
- that part of the Unorganized Area of Sudbury (North Part) lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said unorganized area and the westerly limit of Oates Geographic Township; thence southerly along said limit and along the westerly limits of the geographic townships of Foleyet, Ivanhoe, Silk, Whigham, Coppell, Dore, Garnet, Fawn and Hong Kong to the northerly limit of Singapore Geographic Township; thence easterly along said limit to the westerly limit of Ceylon Geographic Township; thence southerly along said limit and along the westerly limit of Faust Geographic Township to its southerly limit; thence easterly along said limit and along the southerly limit of Hall Geographic Township to its easterly limit; thence northerly along the westerly limit of Elizabeth Geographic Township to its northerly limit; thence easterly along said limit and along the northerly limit of Margaret Geographic Township to its easterly limit; thence southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of Lillie Geographic Township; thence easterly along said limit and along the northerly limits of the geographic townships of Chalet, Paudash and Brebeuf to the westerly limit of Hennessy Geographic Township; thence southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of Blewett Geographic Township; thence easterly along said limit along the northerly limit of Beulah Geographic Township to its easterly limit; thence southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of Hodgetts Geographic Township; thence easterly along said limit and along the northerly limit of Unwin Geographic Township to the westerly limit of said unorganized area; and
- the Indian reserves of Abitibi No. 70, Constance Lake No. 92, Flying Post No. 73, Matachewan No. 72, Mattagami No. 71 and New Post No. 69A.