Notice of Representation – Saskatchewan
The Act precludes the Commission from hearing any person desiring to make a representation at one of the Commission's sittings, unless that person has given to the Commission the notice required by subsections 19(2) and 19(5) of the Act, which read as follows:
Notice to be given by public advertisement
19(2) Notice of the time and place fixed by the commission for any sittings to be held by it for the hearing of representations from interested persons shall be given by advertisement published in the Canada Gazette and in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the province at least 30 days before the day on which the sittings commence.
Notice of representation to be given before sittings
19(5) No representation shall be heard by a commission at any sittings held by it for the hearing of representations from interested persons unless notice in writing is given to the secretary of the commission within 23 days after the date of the publication of the last advertisement under subsection (2), stating the name and address of the person who seeks to make the representation and indicating concisely the nature of the representation and of the interest of the person.
The effect of these two provisions, taken in combination, is that notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary of the Commission within 23 days of the date of the publication of the last advertisement mentioned in subsection 19(2). Notwithstanding subsections 19(2) and (5) of the Act, subsection 19(6) provides that a commission may hear the representation without the notice being given if the commission considers it to be in the public interest to do so.
With the above principles in mind, the Commission should receive any notice to make a representation by June 13, 2022. Notice in writing shall be sent to the Secretary of the Commission, using the contact information below.
By email:
By mail:
Ms. Marlene Rodie, Commission Secretary
Saskatchewan Electoral Boundaries Commission
P.O. Box 21031 Gardiner Park PO
Regina, SK S4V 0Y0