Summary and Closing Remarks – Alberta
The Commission is grateful for the helpful input it received from the public to its Proposal. Other than the above-noted concern, the Commission was impressed with the quality and thoughtfulness of the presentations. Public input was critical to the Commission's work, providing valuable information and local insight not otherwise readily available. Communication between the Commission and the public is an example of democracy in action.
The electoral-district landscape of Alberta has been changed by this Commission to accommodate three new electoral districts as well as the population shifts and changes that occurred following the 2011 decennial census. All but one electoral district have changed as a result of public input, some in a minor way and others to a very considerable extent.
Notwithstanding the changes made, 31 of the proposed electoral districts remain within 5%, plus or minus, of the electoral quota; of the six that do not, all are within 10%, plus or minus, of the electoral quota. The two electoral districts with the highest variation above the electoral quota, Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan and Lethbridge, argued in favour of a larger population as a fair exchange for more effective representation.
The Commission followed its mandate carefully to achieve population parity where reasonably possible and to consider the mandatory criteria set out in section 15 of the Act. The Commission is satisfied that it has achieved a fair balance of the criteria in its redistribution of the 37 electoral districts in the Province of Alberta. Considering their size, shape and character, the Commission is satisfied that fair and effective representation has been achieved within each electoral district.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta, this 31st day of January, 2023.
Honourable Justice Bruce McDonald,
Professor Donald Barry,
Ms. Donna R. Wilson,
Ms. Ooldouz Sotoudehnia,
The Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Alberta