Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022


Subsequent to the completion of our Report on February 8, 2023, we became aware that two revisions are required.

Firstly, on page 56, in discussing the redistribution of the City of Toronto, we confirm that "five" of Toronto's final districts were returned to their existing boundaries and have amended our Report accordingly.

Secondly, we note that l'Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO) requested withdrawal of their submission dated September 25, 2022, which erroneously estimated that pursuant to our Proposal "the French speaking population of Nickel Belt would be reduced by 50%." In accordance with that request, our Secretary did not distribute that submission to the Commission.

L'Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario subsequently filed a submission dated October 11, 2022.

Mr. Marc Serré, MP for the existing district of Nickel Belt, provided a comprehensive submission to the Commission and included a signed copy of the AFO's September 25 correspondence addressed to the Commission as part of his materials. Mr. Serré, in his written objection filed with the Standing Committee, continued to erroneously refer to the September 25 letter that has been withdrawn by the AFO.

At the time the Commission submitted its Report, we were not aware that l'Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario was no longer relying on the September 25 submission, as there was no indication in its letter of October 11 that this submission replaced and superseded the AFO's September 25 communication.

The Commission paid careful attention to the submissions made on behalf of Franco-Ontarians and addressed both the September 25 and October 11 submissions in our Report.

As requested, we have deleted reference to the September 25, 2022 submission in this Report.