Federal electoral districts redistribution 2022

Appendix – Maps, Boundaries and Names of Electoral Districts

There shall be in the Province of Ontario one hundred and twenty-two (122) electoral districts, named and described as follows, each of which shall return one member. In the following descriptions:

  1. references to roads, electric power transmission lines, water features and railways signify their centre lines unless otherwise described;
  2. any reference to a township signifies a township that has its own local administration;
  3. any reference to a geographic township signifies a township without local administration;
  4. all cities, municipalities, towns, villages, Indian reserves and First Nations territories lying within the perimeter of the electoral district are included unless otherwise described;
  5. wherever a word or expression is used to denote a territorial division, such word or expression shall indicate the territorial division as it existed or was delimited on the first day of January 2021;
  6. the translation of the terms street, avenue, and boulevard follows Treasury Board standards; the translation of all other public thoroughfare designations is based on commonly used terms but has no official recognition; and
  7. all coordinates are in reference to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

The population figure of each electoral district is derived from the 2021 decennial census.