Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 5 (Le 17 août 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Marc Roy

The expansion of the Outremont Riding to include parts of the Golden Square Mile and the McGill Campus departs from the principle of representing communities of interest -- these parts of the proposed riding would be carved out of their own communities, and geographically separated from the population centres of the Outremont riding by virtue of Mont Royal park. Additionally, I feel it would better reflect the communities represented within the riding for the name to include Mile-End, which is largely included in the existing and proposed riding boundaries, rather than referring exclusively to Outremont. To the extent it is necessary to add area to the Outremont riding to bring it within the permitted population ranges, it would be more appropriate to expand further into Côte Des Neiges, which would better reflect a community of interest in a contiguous area, rather than creating a sort of enclave within Ville-Marie.

Name to modify: Outremont

New name: Outremont – Mile-End

Figure 1: This map shows a portion of the proposed riding of Outremont.

A map of a portion of the proposed riding of Outremont. It includes three legends: 1. a thick red line titled Inset map, 2. a thick purple line titled Commission's proposal, 3. a thin orange line titled Public change.

Figure 2: this map shows Mount Royal itself and a portion of the proposed riding of Outremont.

A map of Mount Royal and a portion of the proposed riding of Outremont. It includes three legends: 1. a thick red line titled Inset map, 2. a thick purple line titled Commission's proposal, 3. a thin orange line titled Public change.

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