Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 13 (31 mars 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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Jake Stewart, MP

Re: Submission by Member of Parliament for Miramichi – Grand Lake

Honourable Commission Members,

On March 31, 2022, as the Member of Parliament for the electoral district of Miramichi – Grand Lake, I submitted my recommendations to you for consideration in your task of determining the new electoral boundaries for my district for the coming decade.

At that time, my suggestion, in brief, was to insofar as possible to keep the current boundaries intact, and if an increase in the number of electors was required, to consider options that maintained the most accepted 'community of interest' within my constituency – that being including communities and rural areas that also identified with the Miramichi river and its headwaters.

In addition to the principle of 'community of interest', this methodology would minimize the geographical growth of my current constituency, as it is already the largest geographical constituency in New Brunswick:

As I indicated at that time, I was elected to the 44th Canadian Parliament on September 20, 2021, representing a constituency that contains nearly the entirety of the Miramichi River system, as well as the City of Miramichi, the municipalities of Chipman and Minto, and other outlying areas.

The culture, economy, and 'community of interest' of the Miramichi region has always been tied to the river of the same name that flows through it. The Miramichi River has a rich history and has made significant contributions to New Brunswick, to Canada, and to the entire world. Mi'Kmaq first nations have inhabited the Miramichi for thousands of years. Jacques Cartier sailed into the waters of Miramichi Bay in 1534. Miramichi timber fueled the economy of the British Empire when it was needed most. Middle Island was the entry point to Canada for thousands of individuals and families, particularly Irish, throughout the 1800's. Miramichiers are a resilient and proud people. We overcome adversity again and again as our history demonstrates. And the river is an important aspect of the culture of our strong and proud Region.

The purpose of this letter today is to inform you that I have reviewed the proposed changes to the current electoral district of Miramichi – Grand Lake unveiled by the Commission on June 16, 2022, and that, upon review, I feel that you achieved a fair and equitable redistribution of proposed boundaries. I feel that your proposed changes are consistent with the principle of 'community of interest' and will receive widespread acceptance by the electors of this district.

As a result, I encourage you finalize your report with the changes you have proposed, and I look forward to again offering my name to represent the redrawn constituency of Miramichi – Grand Lake in the next Federal Election.

I would like to thank each of you for fulfilling your important role as Commissioner. As we see from recent events abroad, our democracy is to be celebrated and not taken for granted. The work you perform in this regard, while not glamourous, is an important part of our Canadian identity and you are to be acknowledged for your role in preserving it.


Jake Stewart, M.P. Miramichi – Grand Lake

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