Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 18 (17 juin 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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Ken Golding

Subject: Feedback on Planned Changes in NB

I would like to comment on the proposed changes in New Brunswick.

Splitting Saint John into two ridings (Saint John - Kennebecasis and Saint John-St. Croix) is a great plan:

  • It will provide Saint John with two MPs
  • Allows for the Charlotte county to be included in a riding with approximately enough voters.
  • Includes Quispamsis and Rothesay in with Saint John, which will help it the communities to work closer together and puts the Quispamsis and Roethsay in a more suburban / urban riding

However, having such small populations in Miramichi-Grand Lakes and Tobique-Mataquac (though allowed) is unreasonable.

  • You are distorting the voting powers of rural vs. suburban/urban when everyone knows that these groups generally have different voting habits for political parties.
  • Additional people could easily be added to Miramichi-Grand Lake by adding the northern part of Beausejour (which has too many within it) to it. Miramichi-Grand Lake would already have French populations within it so you must be trying to keep the Francophone population the majority within Beausejour. There is community of interest between the north of Beausejour and communities to north.

You should try to keep each riding closer to the same population.

Ken Golding

West Saint John, NB

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