Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 9 (3 août 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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August 3, 2022

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for New Brunswick
Attn: Christine Simard, Secretary
PO Box 161 Edmundston, NB E3V 3K8
Via Email:

RE: Electoral Boundaries Review Public Hearings

Dear Ms. Simard:

Please accept this letter as a follow-up to the City of Fredericton's (CoF) previous submission dated March 21. 2022 which outlined our comments and considerations related to the federal electoral boundaries review the Commission is undertaking.

The work of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for New Brunswick is incredibly important. As outlined in our previous correspondence, the CoF's view is that the community of interest shared by the urban electorate is best advanced by combining those municipal jurisdictions and respective First Nations which comprise the Capital Region's greater urban centre: The City of Fredericton. Town of Oromocto, Village of New Maryland, Saint Mary's First Nation, and Oromocto First Nation. We are encouraged by the Commission's consideration and assessment of the CoF's preliminary feedback as outlined in the Proposal of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of New Brunswick and welcome the opportunity to further participate in the boundaries review process.

On behalf of Mayor Kate Rogers and my City Council colleagues, I wish to confirm that the CoF does intend to participate in one of the public hearings associated with the electoral boundaries review. At this time our Mayor and Council are still assessing who will attend the public hearing on behalf of the CoF. We understand the public hearings are scheduled to commence in late August, and kindly request that you please advise of the scheduled date and time for the public hearing the CoF will be invited to attend.



Deputy Mayor Greg Ericson
City of Fredericton


Mayor Kate Rogers
Steve Mart, Chief Administrative Officer

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