Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 29 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Ross Connell

As you can no doubt appreciate, much of the publicity for this effort will come from our federal MPs and aspirants who, having studied the maps, asses the changes in terms of the effect on their electability/reelect-ability. This of course is not helpful to the average citizen much as it might be slanted that way. Can you point me to some independent objective commentary within which I might find some factual discussion of the change proposed for my riding?

An argument that's been made is that the divergence of riding boundaries for different levels of government will cause confusion for the voter. This is undoubtedly true, but does not argue for doing nothing, rather for cooperation. Independent redistribution is a good thing, but do the provincial equivalents generally follow your lead?

Thanks for your work.

Ross Connell

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