Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 20 commentaires et rétroaction

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Numan Butt

RE: Redistribution of Electoral Boundaries of Brampton West

To whom it may concern,

My name is Numan Butt. I want to thank you for providing me with the platform and opportunity to share my concerns regarding the redistribution of electoral boundaries of Brampton West riding. I have been a resident of Brampton West for the past 16 years now. I have grown up in this community from going to school and now working in the community.

I was disappointed to learn that existing Brampton West community is being divided through this redistribution, including removing of Brampton Islamic Center. I am one of many residents of Brampton-Vresttharaftend-prayers aid community evens at the mosque. Brampton-Islamic Center is an important part of Brampton West community fabric since I can remember. Removing the mosque from the Brampton West community will not be beneficial for the members.

I have also heard from my in-laws who are currently part of Brampton West community and will be removed if the proposed boundaries were to be enacted. They receive regular communications from their member of parliament about government programs and benefits, which keeps them informed of any changes. They are concerned that changes to the electoral boundaries will remove them and many other families like them from being part of the Brampton West community at large.

I am asking the commission to not enact the proposed changes and please listen to the request of community members of Brampton West to remain united, instead of dividing them. Please re-evaluate your proposed redistribution and keep the east boundary of Brampton West as Hurontario Street.


Numan Butt

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

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