Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 29 commentaires et rétroaction

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Gurdeep Dhaliwal

Hello, my name is Gurdeep Dhaliwal,

I am writing to you because the new proposed boundary will be affecting my residential area that I live in which is the Snelgrove neighbourhood, along with the entire Snelgrove Community. I am concerned as the impacts are significant, because the riding boundaries do not split postal codes for Canada Post. The Snelgrove postal code region is falling under Brampton North and Brampton West because the last 3 digits are overlapping. I and other residents in the area are also losing communications and direct access from the members of parliament along with causing a lot of confusion because we do not know who to go to.

This is extremely unfair and on behalf of the entire Snelgrove community we feel we are being isolated, and our voices will be neglected and not heard. I and the Snelgrove community want to stay part of Brampton North riding so that we have direct communication and contact with the MP.

On behalf of the entire Snelgrove community I would like to request that the commission adjust the proposed border so that the Snelgrove community stays within the limits of Brampton North. I would also like to request that the name Brampton North stay unchanged, since changing it will cause confusion in the area and during elections.

Best regards,


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