Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 30 commentaires et rétroaction

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Lovepreet Mandair

My name is Lovepreet and I have been a resident of Brampton North for the past 8 years and I am upset by the new proposed boundary. I am dissatisfied with how the new planned borders entirely change the name while also eliminating my home area from the present riding. Brampton North riding is strongly tied with the community of Sandalwood Park, Loafer's Lake Park, and Loafer's Lake recreational centre / library and eliminating it will destroy the profound connection it has with Brampton North as it is a hub for the residents in the region. The community of interests in my area are being split considering they are culturally and linguistically similar. The service regions will be threatened if the area's distinct demographics are not considered. To Further add, it will have a similar effect on seniors and youth that connect at the park, recreational centre and visit the library as we usually meet at these landmark locations to voice our concerns. Residents in my neighborhood have developed a close bond with our present riding Member of Parliment and I fear we as a community will lose this connection. I request that you reconsider this new proposal as it does not resonate with me or my community.


Lovepreet Mandair

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