Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 31 commentaires et rétroaction

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Manmit Gill

I am a student at Heart Lake Secondary School and very connected to the community associated with the Heart lake area. My family and I have lived in Brampton North for the past 10 years and I want to address the impact that the new proposal would have on the Heart lake area.

The current proposal is removing the Heart lake area including the Heart lake conservation area and also other parks around where many Brampton North residentials meet and connect inducing youth groups and senior's clubs which are a significant part of the riding of Brampton North. The school, the conservation area along with the recreational center is a hub for residents of Brampton North considering it is a highly notable landmark of Brampton North. Heart Lake area is an integrated network of local services and organizations, and this will affect everyone in Heart Lake as it will lose direct connection with our MP and the name change will cause confusion. The new proposed boundaries will affect many students and residents that live across Heart lake road between Bovaird and sandalwood and build confusion. I am not happy with how our community is being split into 2 sections and would request you to reconsider this proposal.

Thank you for your time,

Manmit Gill

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