Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 34 commentaires et rétroaction

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Deborah King

I want it to be known that I, Deborah King, completely disagree to having Mulmur Township being put with/combined with Collingwood and Blue Mountain for the Federal Electoral Redistribution.

Our concerns in Mulmur/ Dufferin are much different than Collingwood/Blue Mountain eg. gravel pits, water tables, increased traffic from gravel pit trucks, decreasing farmland, decreasing green belt ( have we learned nothing from Covid such as self sufficiency re food/agriculture?)

I find it unbelievably shameful that we have not been notified properly by mail, newspapers, radio, TV and our Federal, Provincial and Municipal representatives etc.

The government has a huge tendency to slip new bills, new laws quietly through without public input!

It was by a small fluke that I saw a small notice of this Federal Electoral Redistribution and informed another neighbour who knew nothing about this!


Deborah King

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