Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 35 commentaires et rétroaction

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Maninder Dhaliwal

My name is Maninder Dhaliwal and I live in what is now Brampton North. The proposed name change to Brampton Chinguacousy does not reflect the community's interests or desired name.

Chingaucousy Park is a great icon for Brampton, but Chinguacousy Road is on the West end of the city. It does not make sense why North Brampton has to bear the same name.

The best name would be Brampton~Springdale. It's the former name for the riding which was used provincially just a few years ago and also federally.

Springdale area is known from Dixie Road all the way to Torbram road to the east. That's the central component of this riding so therefore it makes sense to make the name to include Springdale

I hope you can consider this, thank you!

Maninder Dhaliwal

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