Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 5 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mohammad Aziz

Dear Honourable Commission Board Members,

My name is Mohammad Aziz, I am a community leader from the North Valley Islamic Centre Mosque, located in Brampton West.

At the mosque, I help with hosting and overlooking programs and events and also do outreach. Our moque is an integral part of the Muslim Community as it offers daily prayers,and educational programs for youth, families and women.

Firstly, I want to thank the esteemed board members for their time and hard work that has gone into this proposal, and also giving the general public an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. There are some severe implications that this proposal would have on our community that I think the commission should be made aware of.

For our Mosque which is located at Wanless Dr and McLaughlin Rd this proposal means being separated from the rest of the riding of Brampton West. From the perspective of North-Valley Islamic Centre and our congregation this proposal does not address the needs of our community.

First and foremost moving us outside of the riding does not make sense as nearly all of our congregation lives in the Brampton West community. It would be unnatural to have the people who use our facilities live in a separate riding.

Further, our mosque is not only a place of worship but provides a large sense of community and belonging for everyone who attends. I would be worried about what kind of community would be able to exist in a Brampton West that does not contain our Mosque.

I would humbly ask that the commission keep the boundary similar to what it is now, on Hurontario Street so that our Mosque and the many other places of worship that I know exist in the area can continue to remain and contribute to the vibrant and diverse Brampton West community.

Mohammad Azi's signature

Respectfully, Mohammad Azi NICE Mosque

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