Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 7 commentaires et rétroaction

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Pariza Qamruzzaman

Electoral Boundaries Redistribution Commission,

I am writing to you to express my reservations and concerns to the proposed new boundaries in Brampton

The changes proposed by the commission do not accurately reflect the needs and concerns of the muslim community in Brampton West. The recent proposal would result in the muslim community losing its places of worship in Brampton West. Specifically, I am concerned that the negative impact cutting Brampton Islmaic Center out of the community would have.

For us, the mosques do not just provide a place of worship but also a place where we find a profound sense of community. The mosque is a place where we gather with our friends, family and neighbours. It has provided my family and the community with a place to meet and worship which has in turn allowed us to become an even closer community.

For these reasons I would ask the commission to change its proposal so that Brampton Islamic Centre remains in the riding. I have included a map with a counter proposal below.

With thanks,

Pariza Qamruzzaman

xx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx, Brampton ON

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