Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Julie Craib

I live in the immediate Peterborough area.

For many years now, from the area immediately east of Peterborough city, south to the east and of Rice Lake, from there north along Division Road, and south to the northern shore of Rice Lake, has been included in the Northumberland/Peterborough South riding.

I work and shop in Peterborough, with very little exception. How can my best interests be represented from so far away?

While I can vote within a fairly close proximity, I am forced to vote for someone who has been running so far away from my home that there is no chance he or she will ever have an interest in my concerns about my home area.

For many years I have felt like I am wasting my time going to vote because of this.

It is not very likely that someone based in the Cobourg area will give any thought to someone who lives on the edge of the city of Peterborough.

Would it not make more sense to form riding boundaries around the County of Peterborough's boundary?

I worked at one election. I had to drive to Cobourg for training, and while I was stationed at Keene, voters were driving from the Peterborough border, to Keene, to vote for someone in Cobourg.

Suffice it to say that I am very unhappy about this, and feel very under represented.

Yours truly

Julie Craib

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